BSc.CSIT Courses

These are all the courses in CSIT course offered by TU. CSIT have 65 courses, among which 36 are compulsory & 29 are elective.

First Semm

Introduction to Information Technology

C Programming

Digital Logic

Mathematics I


Second Semm

Discrete Structures

Object Oriented Programming


Mathematics II

Statistics I

Third Semm

Data Structures and Algorithms

Numerical Method

Computer Architecture

Computer Graphics

Statistics II

Fourth Semm

Theory of Computation

Computer Networks

Operating Systems

Database Management System

Artificial Intelligence

Fifth Semm

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

System Analysis and Design


Simulation and Modelling

Web Technology

Multimedia Computing(elective)

Sixth Semm

Software Engineering

Compiler Design and Construction


NET Centric Computing

Technical Writing

E-commerce (elective)

Seventh Semm

Advanced Java Programming

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Principles of Management

Database Administration (elective)

Project Work

Eighth Semm

Advanced Database


Introduction to Cloud Computing (elective)