BIT All Questions

First semm

Information Technology

Questions-2071 to so on


Questions-2071 to so on

Digital Logic

Questions-2071 to so on

Basic Mathematics

Questions-2071 to so on


Questions-2071 to so on

Second semm

Microprocessor & Computer Architecture

Questions-2071 to so on

Discrete Structure

Questions-2071 to so on

Object Oriented Programming

Questions-2071 to so on

Basic Statistics

Questions-2071 to so on


Questions-2071 to so on

Third semm

Data Structures & Algorithm

Questions-2071 to so on

Database Management System

Questions-2071 to so on

Numerical Methods

Questions-2071 to so on

Operating Systems

Questions-2071 to so on

Principles of Management

Questions-2071 to so on

Fourth semm

Web Technology

Questions-2071 to so on

Artificial Intelligence

Questions-2071 to so on

Systems Analysis and Design

Questions-2071 to so on

Network & Data Communications

Questions-2071 to so on

Operations Research

Questions-2071 to so on

Fifth semm

Web Technology II

Questions-2071 to so on

Software Engineering

Questions-2071 to so on

Information Security

Questions-2071 to so on

Computer Graphics

Questions-2071 to so on

Technical Writing

Questions-2071 to so on

Sixth semm

NET Centric Computing

Questions-2071 to so on

Database Administration

Questions-2071 to so on

Management Information System

Questions-2071 to so on

Research Methodology

Questions-2071 to so on


Questions-2071 to so on

Seventh semm

Advanced Java Programming

Questions-2071 to so on

Software Project Management

Questions-2071 to so on


Questions-2071 to so on

Project Work

Questions-2071 to so on

Cloud Computing(elective)

Questions-2071 to so on

Eighth semm

Network & System Administration

Questions-2071 to so on

E Governance

Questions-2071 to so on

Introduction to Telecommunications

Questions-2071 to so on

Network Security(elective)

Questions-2071 to so on

Data Warehousing and Data Mining(elective)

Questions-2071 to so on